Asking Kids to Help Around The House | Redefine Supermom
As much as we want to be supermoms, we can’t do it all. We all need help, but asking kids to help around the house can be difficult. It doesn’t have to be a constant fight when you use this method.
Seriously! This method is life-changing!
The topic of delegating chores and asking kids to help around the house makes most parents cringe and hold their heads. They start to feel the stress and anxiety over arguments with the kids, and the constant struggle between the kids and themselves.
I’m not saying that there won’t be some struggle in this journey but there will be less over time. I can also promise you that if you can master how you ask kids for help around the house, then you will start your simple life journey.
The road to simplifying life so you can create the life you want is sweet. Having strong family connections with your spouse and your kids along this journey is bliss.
Asking Kids To Help Around The House
When we started delegating chores or tasks to the kids, we were thinking that this is what all good parents do. They teach their kids life skills on cleaning and cooking. We expected the fights because after all, we were kids too. But we held strong and persevered.
Then we changed the way we did things. We changed the way we asked them to do the chores. What we didn’t expect was how this little change affected them personally.
Instead of making it about the task, we simply explained that we needed their help so that we could get it all done faster.
Sounds simple, but it worked.
It worked every time.
We would work together as a team to get the tasks done and then we were rewarded with more time as a family having fun or friends visiting.
This simple change in the way we asked kids to help around the house, nurtured compassion within our kids and built strong relationships within the family. It showed them how to help others, and how being kind to one another benefits everyone.
As the years go by, we are complimented on how our kids are kind, compassionate, and helpful. We see that in their school, work, and personal life constantly, and couldn’t be more proud of them. What surprised me the most was the strong connection between asking kids to help around the house, to their personal core values.
Asking kids to help around the house is not just about teaching them how to maintain a home. Those skills are important, but the help they give provides the family with much more.
- It teaches kids the value of compassion.
- Teamwork is promoted within the family.
- Family relationships are stronger when you trade gained time for family bonding.
Remember, when asking kids for help around the house, it is important to make them feel like they are needed to help the family. It is time to redefine supermom and stop trying to do it all yourself. It is okay to ask for help.
I do warn you though. The tasks won’t be done perfectly. Be prepared for imperfection. Don’t micromanage the end result, just be grateful they are helping and learning to be kind, compassionate, and helpful little humans.
Even if that is your little secret right now.
Before You Go